7:27 AM Posted In Animals , Arts and Crafts , Curriculum , Farm , February , Units Edit This 2 Comments »
Pet Care is what we started out February doing. It's part of our Farm Unit on learning what animals need to live and be happy. This project is very easy to do. We did one or two every day.
First with the White Paper make a bowl shape and draw on the water. This represents two needs: Home and Water, Then Make a Fish, Cave, Rocks, Plants, and Fish Food.
Next came the bird. I drew a Bird on a Perch/Swing, String Toy, Seed Holder, Water Bottle, Cage with Wooden Perch. I let her color everything while I did the Bird. Then she glued it all on and we put it up.

Last came Hamster and Mice, I didn't feel like making two cages so I just put them together. Drew a Water Bottle, Hamster, Food Bowl with Seeds, Tube with Mouse1 and Mouse2, Woodchips for Cage, and of course the Cage.
Supplies Needed:
Sturdy White Paper
Markers (esp. a good Black one)
Glitter (optional)
Printed Items from Internet (if you're not artistically inclined)
I drew each of these things and explained what they are used for by the fish as Rajaa was coloring them with crayons. I did the boring coloring (of water and large areas).
Then we placed the things where they would go naturally. I let her choose which side of the rocks she wanted the cave and plants to be on and where the food goes. I put glue on the pieces and let her stick them on. After gluing I added a touch of glitter to make it special allowing her to put pinches of glitter on the fish. Then proudly display it!
Then we placed the things where they would go naturally. I let her choose which side of the rocks she wanted the cave and plants to be on and where the food goes. I put glue on the pieces and let her stick them on. After gluing I added a touch of glitter to make it special allowing her to put pinches of glitter on the fish. Then proudly display it!
Next came dog. I made the DogHouse, then a Bone, Ball, Water and Food Dish. I explained that animals need things that make them happy. They will get bored without toys. Also dogs eat meat a lot but since they are pets we give them specially made dog pet food from the store. To help them be strong.
When finished coloring we glued, glittered, and displayed it.
Next came the cat! I made a (tricky to draw) Cat Scratching Post with a Home, a Cat (who I colored to look like our stray cat Summer), a Food and Water Bowl, Cat Balls, Yarn, and a Squeaky Mouse Toy. While I colored the Cat and Home she colored the accessories we talked about what cats love to do to keep happy. I explained that animal make us happy and in return we make them happy which is why they love to live with us.
After cutting, gluing, we of course displayed it.
Last came Hamster and Mice, I didn't feel like making two cages so I just put them together. Drew a Water Bottle, Hamster, Food Bowl with Seeds, Tube with Mouse1 and Mouse2, Woodchips for Cage, and of course the Cage.
I let her place them where she wanted them. After I carefully measured the woodchips and glued them in. Then we added some glitter for fun. It was the last to go on the display board. It was a nice group all together!
We had a hamster that died, birds that have died, and two stray cats that come around now and then so this Unit was easy for Rajaa to relate to. Mustapha loved seeing the finished animals and calls them by the sounds they make.
After we made all of these we went to the Pet Store at Al-Ain mall to check out each real animal. They really loved the fish the best. I was soo tempted to buy one but all the accessories were expensive so I figured out fake fish at home was good enough.